Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ribbon Tied

Since my thoughts about this outfit is completely in bits and pieces on the floor right now, let's just talk about how lazy busy I am that I never get to blog as much any more. So much of the hiatus, it surprises people whenever I get to blog. 
There's just two things that hinders me from blogging. Either 1- I don't have the luxury of time to pick out clothes blog worthy. I find myself preferring the shirt-jeans combo lately. and 2- whenever I pick out a nice enough outfit, I tend to be too lazy to take pictures or the photos come out too grainy. 
After an hour of long stares at this blog draft, I decided I'll share with you how resourceful poorly equipped I am.
This (or rather these) ribbons came from birthday give-aways two months ago. They're just too nice to throw away so I decided to keep them.
While watching back episodes of ANTM last Saturday, I came up with a way to use these ribbons.
But since each ribbon was too short to go around my neck, I had to use my COCC rope tying skills (I was paying attention and learned something. Woot woot!) to tie two ribbons neatly together.

While I was uploading thesephotos, I thought the post was gonna be blank. Daldal ko talaga. Heeeehee
Thrifted top, BNY pants, hoes Unlimited flats

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @Lirzzzie
Ask me stuff on ask.fm/Lirzzzie

Hope you liked it! :)
Lira Princess

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